What is House of Baum?


Before building a talented team of artist from around the world that specialize in Event Photography and Videography we were young artist trying to find our way. Here's the story of how fate played its role in to the creation of House of Baum.


One day a friend asked if I wanted to step out to Pennsylvania for some festivities. Living in New Jersey, Pa was about 45 minutes away. I said sure why not. At the time, I was working on designing a logo for House of Baum. My graphic designer sent over the first set of revisions and was awaiting my feed back.   

After parking the car we crossed the street and I saw a gentleman shaving bricks on the pavement. I was intrigued by his creativity. There was a small stand that displayed pieces carved in to various names, objects etc. He said to me "I can make anything you want,  just give me 20 mins" I replied "House of Baum." He handed me a note pad and a pencil to write it down. I left to go grab a beer and came back shortly after.

When I returned @Rebelucien handed me this...



Little did we both know this was the start to my artistic journey. My last name is Rosenbaum, which means a rose bush. But the symbolism of the brick is where puzzle pieces started coming together. The full circle moment didn't happen until later that night when I realized that you need a brick to build a house! On that day (December 17, 2014) House of Baum was born. 

Have an event coming up?  Don’t hesitate to send us an email, we'd love  to chat about your ideas. Just click the button below. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Talk soon


Ceo & President