About — House of Baum

Defying Boundaries

The House of Baum logo didn’t come from a designer’s desk; a creative guy standing on a street corner carved it into a brick. We say this to let you know upfront that we do “baum ish” differently. You see, the constraints of conventional marketing, branding and visual storytelling don’t confine us.

When industries go left, we see what’s happening on the right. And when other cinematic storytellers, creative directors, and producers color inside the lines, we scribble our way toward beautifully told stories that cut through the noise and challenge norms.

See, we’re not on a quest to become the biggest full-service creative production house. Instead, we’re focusing on becoming the best and only choice for brands looking to creatively spotlight the unseen, give a voice to the unheard, and narrate stories that transcend limitations.








our story


Curating Unadulterated Creativity
+ Untold Stories of Humanity

Hey, I’m Cornelius Rosenbaum, founder of House of Baum. I built House of Baum through years of self-discovery and creative growth.

Because no one ever handed me the keys to opportunity on a silver platter, I hopped in the driver’s seat of my destiny – a path fueled by an insatiable craving for exploration and creative expression.

Now, I’m gonna tell you a story. Just not the whole story…

Somewhere in my journey, I realized the power of choice and the willingness to break through boundaries made the impossible possible. My first plane ride at the age of 9 made it all click. That plane ride became my escape from the limits of my upbringing. I grew up in a strict Trinidadian household. And as I freed my physical self, I also expanded my mind. that trip gave me a peek inside a world where creativity knew no bounds.

As I grew older, my travels to Egypt, China, Ireland, and other locations broadened my perspective even more. I saw the beauty of diverse cultures, each with its own distinct story to tell. It became increasingly clear that home wasn’t just where you were born; it was where the light inside shines brightest. And that can happen anywhere in the world.

I created House of Baum from these experiences, both the pain of limitation and the thrill of breaking free. What started as a journey of self-discovery evolved to a place where we curate unadulterated creativity, untold stories and boundless expressions of humanity.


Help us help you!

A collaborative storytelling process awaits

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